Monday, September 1, 2008

R.I.P. Killer

I'm not a pro wrestling fan. it's like a soap opera with wrestling and since I don't like wrestling (no, not even the real, olympic kind) or soap operas, I don't watch it. I do however, enjoy the hilarious nicknames of the old-time wrestlers from the golden age of wrestling, namely the 1950s-1970s. Yukon Eric, Sky-Low-Low (a little person) & Walter "Killer" Kowalski were among my favourite names.
it is now my sad duty to inform you that Walter "Killer" Kowalski has died from a heart attack at the age of 81.
rest in peace, Killer, in that great big arena in the sky.

also, his name reminds me of Dave "Killer" Carlson from the movie classic Slapshot.


Unknown said...

-Dave's a killer!
-Dave's a mess.

Lindsay said...

I love myself a good Killer.