The Gong Show was a 1970's variety show, but would now be known as a "reality" show. Chuck Baris was the host. The premise was that acts of dubious merit would perform before a panel of celebrity judges who were given 20 seconds before they could end an act's performance by hitting a large gong, known as "gonging". if an act survived without being gonged, the judges rated their performance on a scale of one to ten. the show sometimes got away with provocative acts, including the one in this video.
Chuck Baris later wrote an autobiography, which was made into a movie, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, in which he claimed to be a CIA spy while he was the host of The Gong Show. Sounds like he went a little crazy, no?
wow. was this show legal? This is a pretty crazy show.
yeah... i was completely surprised that this even made it on the air.
i love it how the older lady didn't get it.
that one chick was really going at it.
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