Friday, August 29, 2008

Andrew Wyeth & Helga Testorf

Andrew Wyeth is an American realist painter whose favourite subjects include the land and people around his hometown of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania and those near his summer home in Cushing, Maine.

Helga Testorf was acting as a caregiver for one of Wyeth's friends when the two met in the early 1970s. As they became friends she agreed to pose for him. These are the paintings.

Lovely, aren't they?


Anonymous said...

they are actually quite stunning, and a bit haunting. I enjoy them.

Lindsay said...

Those are amazing. They remind me a bit of Odd Nerdrum, you should check out his paintings.

Alexander said...

i like these. Yeah me too, Nerdrum is what.

Lindsay said...

These are beautiful. the more i look at them the more i love them. I'm going to research this dude I think...

Alexander said...
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Alexander said...