Friday, May 29, 2009

I Think Hawkeye & B.J. Would Support This

So... David Ogden Stiers is gay. If you don't know who he is, he was on M*A*S*H as Major Winchester and he was also the voice of Cogsworth the clock in Beauty and the Beast and the voice of Governor Ratcliffe in Pocahontas. He decided to publicly come out to help get gay marriage legalized. Here's a pic.

Good on ya, Dave. I just didn't see it coming. Clay Aiken... yes. Lance Bass... yes. David Hyde Pierce... yes. But this guy? not so much. Don't know why.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

You Don't Have to be Here to be Here

Ok so it's been awhile; but here goes.
Paris Hilton... oh dear. what have you said this time?
Paris has called the MTV show The Hills "lame and fake". While this is true, even though it was likely only said because Hills star Lauren Conrad used to date Paris' boyfriend, whose name isn't worth mentioning; Paris then goes on to plug the second season of her own reality show Paris Hilton's My New BBF. I found this ironic to say the least. Paris does this show to make money, not because she's hard up for friends. here's the article if you want to read.